The paramount purpose of Ontario’s Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) is to promote the best interests, protection and well-being of children and youth up to the age of 18.
Section 125 of the CYFSA outlines a person’s (including a professional’s) duty to report suspicions that a child/youth is or may be “in need of protection.” It states that a person, including professionals who work with children/youth, must immediately report any suspicions to a CAS.
As a professional, you may become aware of situations that cause concern about the well-being of a child/youth.
Child safety and well-being is a shared community responsibility.
Children/youth have a right to safety and well-being wherever they are, not just in their homes, but also in their communities. Children, youth and families rely on all of us to work together.
As part of a shared responsibility, it is important that members of the community share concerns regarding vulnerable children, youth and families with us.
We rely on individuals in the community to become kin, foster and adoptive families, to volunteer as tutors or drivers and/or participate on our Boards of Directors.
To learn more or to have a Duty to Report presentation at your organization, contact us at 905.333.4441.