If you have concerns about a child call: 905.333.4441


The Broader Public Sector (BPS) Business Documents Directive, effective January 1, 2016, requires BPS organizations, as defined under the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA), to prepare and publish online their business plans and other business or financial documents.

Code of Conduct

Audited Financial Statements

Financial Services Policies and Procedures

In the interests of taxpayers and strengthening accountability for organizations that receive public funding, the Ontario Parliament passed the BPSAA in 2010.

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has issued two directives – BPS Procurement Directive and BPS Expenses Directive. Both Directives are applicable to all designated broader public sector (BPS) organizations as provided for under section 12 of the BPSAA.

Children’s Aid Societies (Society) are one of the BPS groups that need to implement the Directives effective April 1, 2011. Mandatory commitment to be in compliance with the Directives will also be part of individual BPS organization’s funding agreements to be signed with the Ontario government. Each year, the Society is asked to complete an annual Attestation of Compliance with the BPSAA. 

The Halton Children’s Aid Society’s Financial Services Policies and Procedures have been updated to meet with the BPSAA. 

Annual Report

Our annual report is an opportunity to talk to you, our community, about the work of the Society. What do we want to say to you? We are here to help! This is the message. This is the commitment. This is the daily intention that each of our staff brings to their work. And this is the focus of our annual report. An examination of how we helped children, youth and families in the community last year.

Strategic Plan

Executive-Level Travel and Board Expenses (Directive CW001-17)

This Directiverequires all Children’s Aid Societies (CASs) to post year-end audited actual travel expenses incurred by executive-level staff and Board Members on their public websites on an annual basis. The objective of this Directive is to promote the best interests of children and strengthen accountability and transparency of the use of public funds dedicated to children’s services.

Perquisites Directive

The purpose of this directive is to identify and set out the rules and principles pertaining to perquisites (or perks). The term perquisites, or perks, refers to a privilege that is provided to an individual or a group of individuals, provides a personal benefit, is not generally available to others and is not a business-related requirement.

The letter below is to confirm that in accordance with the Ontario Government’s Perquisites Directive for fiscal year 2023-24, the employees and Board members of the Children’s Aid Society of the Regional Municipality of Halton received no perquisites from any stakeholder to the Society.

Accountability Agreement

Our annual Accountability Agreements with the provincial government dictates the terms under which we receive funding to provide child welfare services to children, youth and families in Halton Region.