The Need for Foster Caregivers
Amidst a steady decline in foster care placement availability, the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies (OACAS) have released the provincial 'There to Care' campaign. With the need for foster caregivers now greater than ever, including in Halton Region, this initiative aims to underscore the vital role of foster caregivers, emphasizing their profound impact on children, youth, families and communities. By dispelling misconceptions and rallying community support, the campaign seeks to address the critical shortage of foster homes across Ontario.

Featured News and Updates
- Searching for Volunteer Halton CAS Board Members
- Halton Children’s Aid Society appoints Michelle McGaw as new Executive Director
- Urgently Seeking Foster Caregivers Amidst Critical Shortage
- Halton Children’s Aid Society receives grant for new donation system
- Statement by Halton Children’s Aid Society